Genie WP Favicon

Its a well known fact that major number of sites around the world uses WordPress as the web software for hosting static, dynamic, CMS, portal etc. The WordPress does not provide a facility to update a Favicon to the website inclusively. We need to setup the favicon manually editing the theme header files which usually not so easier way for the layman.

This can be overcome easily with the help of the Genie WP Favicon plugin. It provides a very simple way to update the favicon to the site.

Installation Details:

1. Download ‘‘ onto your local computer.
2. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and select Plugins >> Add New.
3. Click on the Upload option at the top and select the ‘‘ file you just downloaded.
4. Click on Install.
5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
6. There should be an additional ‘Genie WP Favicon’ sub-menu under the ‘Appearance’ option of your dashboard to setup the plugin.
7. Upload your favicon and refresh your page.
8. Network sites have to be updated individually.

Plugin Compatibility

Other important links:

1. SVN Repo –
2. Trac Browser
3. Support



3 Replies to “Genie WP Favicon”

  1. Hi!

    I love that your plugin works, I’ve tried to manually create favicons earlier. They all worked on standard browsers but not on iOS.

    May I make a request? Your plugin makes great favicons that work when you use iOS’s “Add to Home Screen” which creates a link of the site directly as an app icon on your phone.

    However, it also adds the usual “gloss” function to the icon, which looks kind of bad. Would it be possible for you to remove this gloss in any way?

    It is described on

    Thank you for a useful plugin.

    1. Your request is fixed with the Genie WP Favicon v0.3
      Please update your plugin check if the fix works fine and let us know

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